Fine Art Painter. Printmaker.
I am a contemporary artist who feels deeply connected to Abstract Expressionism! Art is a spiritual experience for me, it's emotional, like an intuitive language that transcends all. I believe in the importance of being authentically myself. I must come from within, deep within, where emotions bloom and dissipate like the seasons of the year, in seasons they come and disappear; some linger year after year. I am inspired by beauty, nature, music, emotions, connections, and compositions. I like to represent the unseen, actualize the unspoken, and visualize the emotional content of the human experience. Art has been inside me, around me, and thru me since I can remember. Art has lifted me in times of despair and grounded me when things and situations aren't so certain. Art is everything!
Tranquility I
Tranquility II
Golden Walks III
For custom paintings, or any questions you can contact me here: